U.S. Mission Indonesia is calling Indonesian students who are interested in participating in a virtual internship in a foreign-diplomatic and customer service- oriented environment.
This opportunity is available for Indonesian citizens who are students in their 5th semester in any university throughout Indonesia, have a minimum GPA 2.75, and are English literate. Opportunities are open for all degree programs. This internship program is one part of the overall United States – Indonesia partnership that strengthens people-to-people ties with Indonesia’s student population. The program will start on June 21, 2021. This is an unpaid program; no compensation and benefits are offered. Terms of Internship Duration
Interested applicant should submit a complete application by email to: JakartaFNSIP@state.gov by the latest February 19, 2021. Please indicate the section and location you are applying for in the subject of your email (Email subject: Application for 2021 FNSIP for [location, section name]; for example: Application for 2021 FNSIP for Surabaya, Public Affairs Section). Application forms are (mandatory): U.S. Embassy application for FNSIP (PDF – 168 KB)
Minimum Eligibility Criteria:
2021 Foreign National Student Intern Program (FNSIP) Process Time Line
Available Employment Opportunities for FNSIP The following employment opportunities are available. FNSIP student applicants must state the specific employment opportunities of interest on the U.S. Embassy application for FNSIP. Please indicate section you are interested in box 2.