PT Toyo Ink Indonesia merupakan anak perusahaan dari Toyo Ink SC Holdings Co Ltd (Jepang). Berikut ini adalah posisi dan kualifikasi lowongan kerja yang dibuka oleh PT Toyo Ink Indonesia:
Legal StaffÂ
Job Descriptions:
- Make a legal opinion and legal memorandum to solve the company’s problem
- Make an application letter and maintain company’s licensing
- Review legal corporate document
- Drafting regular report letter to government
- Do internal legal due dilligence
- Review and maintain corporate agreement validity
- Coordination with notary handle about deed companies, example: change of composition of Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners, change of structure, change of company’s domicile, company restructurization, etc.
- Bachelor Degree in Law from reputable university
- Fresh graduate with 2 years experience in HRD & Legal preferred
- Good personality who is creative, high integrity, rapidly can adapt to change, and collect new information quickly
- Good analytical skills, excellent time management, and oral communication skills
- Strong team player with a collaborative, can-do attitude, who is flexible in the creation, development and implementation of ideas and plans
- Fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English both oral and written
- Required computer skills: Ms. Office (Word, Excel, Power Point)
HRD StaffÂ
Job Descriptions:
- Ensure compliance with company and government regulations regarding labour
- Implement employee relations development to create conducive work environment for all parties
- Resolve and anticipate dispute involving trade unions, management, employees, or government agencies, etc.
- Follow up reports related to violations of company regulation in collaboration with related parties
- Create a completed case report
- Bachelor Degree in Law from reputable university (Fresh graduate or with 2 years experience in HRD & Legal preferred)
- Good personality who is creative, high integrity, rapidly adapt to change and collect new information quickly
- Good analytical skills, excellent time management, and oral communication skills
- Strong team player with a collaborative, can-do attitude, who is flexible in the creation, development and implementation of ideas and plans
- Fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English both oral and written
- Required computer skills: Ms. Office (Word, Excel, Power Point)
- Willing to work in Cikarang, Kab. Bekasi
Cara Melamar:
Silahkan kirim CV terbaru Anda melalui email ke: hrd@toyoink.co.id
*Hanya yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan diproses
*Proses rekrutmen & seleksi pelamar tidak dipungut biaya apapun