- National Activism Programs Intern
- Activist and Action Group Network Intern
- University Network Intern
National Activism Programs Intern
The role of the Activism and Resources Intern for Digital Engagement is to support the management and implementation of Amnesty International national activism programs. These campaigns highlight cases based on Amnesty International Indonesia’s 2022 Strategy plan.
We hope you are the one we’re looking for.
You will be asked to submit the following documents in the next sections. Get your documents ready before starting your application.
Application requirements and details:
- A copy of your CV in English (max 2 pages)
- A motivation letter addressing the selection criteria above (In English, max 700 words)
- Sample writing in Bahasa Indonesia. Answer the following question below in Bahasa Indonesia (Max 700 words): “Menurut kamu, bagaimana cara terbaik untuk menggalakkan pendukung Amnesty International Indonesia dan masyarakat luas untuk berpartisipasi dalam penulisan surat online yang ditujukan untuk pihak berkewajiban dan pemangku kepentingan?”
Interested? You can apply here. The deadline for the application is: 21 January 2022
Activist and Action Group Network Intern
The role of the Community Organising Intern for Activist and Action Group Network is to help facilitate and assist the local group activists of Amnesty International Indonesia Action Groups. The Action Group Network intern will also support the growth of Amnesty International movement base in Indonesia. This is done by assisting the establishment and organisation of Amnesty activists and action groups across Indonesia. These groups exist as a platform for individuals and activists to work together in contributing to Amnesty International’s human rights campaigns.
We hope you are the one that we’re looking for.
You will be asked to submit the following documents in the next sections. Get your documents ready before starting your application.
Application requirements and details
- A copy of your CV in English (max 2 pages)
- A motivation letter addressing the selection criteria above (In English, max 300 words)
- Sample writing in Bahasa Indonesia. Answer the following question below in Bahasa Indonesia (Max 500 words): “Menandatangani petisi, melakukan kampanye online, dan membuat diskusi webinar; semua sudah dilakukan. Namun bentuk partisipasi aktivis sangat terbatas, bahkan angkanya menurun dalam setahun belakangan ini. Menurut kamu mengapa aktivisme di isu hak asasi manusia mengalami hal demikian dan pakah ada bentuk aktivisme lain yang kamu ajukan? Bagaimana cara terbaik untuk Amnesty Indonesia menanggapi tantangan tersebut?”
Interested? You can apply here. The deadline for the application is: 21 January 2022
University Network Intern
The Growth and Community Engagement Team develops programs to bring in and retain supporters, members, volunteers, activists and donors for Amnesty International Indonesia. As a part of this team, you will strengthen our capacity to build our organisation’s presence within the local communities and external stakeholders.
The role of the Community Organising Intern for University Network is to help mobilise and facilitate the student activists in Amnesty International Indonesia University Chapters. The University Network intern will also support the growth of Amnesty International movement base in Indonesia. This is done by assisting the establishment and organisation of Amnesty student groups in universities across Indonesia. These groups exist as a platform for students to work together in contributing to Amnesty International’s human rights campaigns.
We hope you are the one that we’re looking for.
You will be asked to submit the following documents in the next sections. Get your documents ready before starting your application.
Application requirements and details
- Copy of your CV in English (max 2 pages)
- Motivation letter addressing the selection criteria (In English, max 300 words)
- Sample writing in Bahasa Indonesia, answer the following question below in Bahasa Indonesia (Max 500 words): “Kelas online, kuliah daring, dan diskusi virtual: semua menjadi hal yang normal saat ini. Ditengah pandemi yang belum selesai, terdapat kejenuhan aktivisme di dunia digital dan para aktivis pelajar tetap dihadapkan dengan tuntutan pendidikan sebagai pelajar dan mahasiswa. Menurut kamu, bagaimana cara terbaik untuk para aktivis bisa tetap menyuarakan pesan-pesan hak asasi manusia kepada teman-temannya sesama pelajar, di lingkungan kampus, bahkan masyarakat luas, walaupun saat ini masih mengalami situasi yang disebutkan diatas?”
Interested? You can apply here. The deadline for the application is: 21 January 2022