Senior Legal Officer at PT. Permodalan Nasional Madani
PT Permodalan Nasional Madani (Persero) atau disingkat PNM adalah Badan Usaha Milik Negara Indonesia yang bergerak di bidang jasa keuangan. Perusahaan ini didirikan pada tanggal 1 Juni 1999 sebagai bagian dari solusi strategis pemerintah untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan pemerataan ekonomi masyarakat melalui pengembangan akses permodalan dan program peningkatan kapasitas bagi para pelaku Usaha Mikro, Kecil, Menengah, dan Koperasi (UMKMK)
- Support the implementation of the duties of the Legal Manager.
- Ensure the implementation of the drafting and review process of Cooperation Agreements, Credit Agreements, Goods/Services Procurement Agreements, Lease Agreements, and Memorandum of Understanding in order to support the Company’s business
- Ensure the implementation of the drafting and review process of Agreements, especially those that will be signed by the Board of Directors, Subsidiaries, and Affiliates
- Ensure the running of the administrative function of Agreement Documents, Legal Opinions, Company Deeds, Letters and Documents related to the operations of the Legal Division.